Our Products
Genfa Medica S.A. holds exclusive rights to market and distribute NexoBrid®. Visit this page to read more about the product.
Nexobrid®, a concentrate of proteolytic enzymes enriched in bromelain, is an easy to use, topically-applied product that removes eschar in four hours and does not harm the surrounding healthy tissues. NexoBrid® minimizes the burden associated with invasive surgical procedures, reduces the need for skin grafting and sacrifice of healthy tissue from donor sites on a patient’s body and generally results in a more favorable overall long-term patient outcome. Severe burns require specialized care in hospitals or burn centers. Approximately 100,000 patients with severe burns are hospitalized every year in the United States and Europe. The severe burn patients are predominantly treated by specialists in approximately 250 burn centers in Europe and the United States, as well as at burn units of large hospitals.
NexoBrid® was classified by BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) as a medical countermeasure for thermal and chemical burns address the public health preparedness gap especially for escher removal needs of a large number of patients in the event of a burn mass casualty incident.
Eschar removal of deep partial and full thickness burns.
Orphan Biological drug.
Target Audience:
Hospitalized patients (burn centers and burn units).
Approved in E.U., Switzerland & other international markets, registration stage in the U.S.
Vazomirin (Desmopressin)
Vazomirin nasal spray is used to treat central cranial diabetes insipidus. This is a condition that causes the body to lose too much fluid and become dehydrated. It is also used to control frequent urination and increased thirst caused by certain types of brain injury or brain surgery.
Visit this page to read more about the product.
Antidiuretic replacement therapy in the management of central cranial diabetes insipidus, management of the temporary polyuria and polydipsia following head trauma or surgery in the pituitary region.
Antidiuretic hormone affecting renal water conservation.
Pharmaceutical form:
Nasal spray, available presentations: 2,5ml and 5ml bottles.